doubleclick the HCG-640 icon (if your screen is set to 640*480 mode),
doubleclick the HCG-800 icon (if your screen is set to 800*600 mode).
Minimum RAM requirement:
16 bits color (32000 colors) 6 MB free RAM
32 bits color ( million colors) 8 MB free RAM
CPU Minimum recommendation is 68040 (LC 475) or later.
QuickTime¬ DRIVER
If you are running system 7.5 you can update your
QuickTime to ver. 2.5 from the QuickTime folder. If you are running an older system than 7.5, you need to drag the QuickTime 2.5 file (from the folder ╥QuickTime╙) into your current System folder. When you place the QuickTime files in your System folder, a dialog box will ask you if you want to place the files in the System Extensions folder. Press ╥OK╙, then restart your system.
Sound Manager 3.1
Update your Sound Manager to ver 3.1 from the Sound Manager folder.
CD-ROM drive
Minimum requirement is triple-speed (450Kbs).
MAC Performance optimizing
Turn off all other applications.
Disable any screen saver program.
If you are using RAM-Doubler, disable RAM-Doubler by holding down the ESC button during startup.
Use thousands of colors if possible - this will enhance the performance!